About Dzulfiqar Fathur Rahman

How I Got Started

Hi! I’m Dzul. My career in data analytics has its roots in data journalism and, to some extent, research.

Between October 2019 and March 2022, I worked as a journalist at the business desk of The Jakarta Post, an English-speaking newspaper based in Central Jakarta, Indonesia.

Given my interest in statistics, I was motivated to work on data-driven articles or stories. The Post didn’t have a data journalism desk at the time, but my editors at the business desk were very supportive of this initiative.

Under the Post’s business desk, I analyzed public datasets to shed light on pressing social and economic issues like housing affordability, wages, wealth gap and decoupling of economic development and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission.

The analysis behind those data-driven stories used a humble combination of Google Sheets, statistical programming language R and web-based charting tool Datawrapper.

A photo of me wearing The Jakarta Post's press card posing in front of the Post's sign at its office.

This led me to take in March 2022 a full-time data journalist job at Katadata, an online media company focusing on business and economic issues based in South Jakarta, Indonesia.

→ Read more about my experience on my LinkedIn profile.

A photo of me wearing Katadata's press card posing in its newsroom.

Let’s Connect!

An icon of a hot cup of coffee.

I’m currently living in Bekasi, Indonesia, and will be happy to chat over a coffee or good food in the city or downtown Jakarta.

→ Just shoot me an e-mail!

An icon of a person with an add button.

I’m also happy to connect on social media like LinkedIn or X. You can find the links to my profile on such platforms in the footer at the bottom of this page.